Coping with coronavirus anxiety

Coping with coronavirus anxiety

We are all filled with worry at this point and the pace at which the infection is spreading. It is a worldwide pandemic crisis with big, small cities and countries locking down prices of day-day items and its scarcity. Parents are worried about their young with their newly grown teenage living independently and far away from home. It is a lot of emotional toll on both parties. Everyone filled with curiosity as to might happen next or who will be infected next with its unknown cause. 

All we can do is to stay healthy and avoid too much emotional stress leading to any form of breakdown. How can we manage the stress associated with this unpleasant situation?. Here are a few tips :

Staying in our comfort zone as much as possible as simple as controlling what we can, unpleasant news and updates are possibly scary.

Adhere and follow through with the safety precautions like;

  • Washing our hands constantly
  • Maintaining a clean environment at all times.
  • Keeping six feet of distance when out.
  • Stay at home as much as possible. 
  • Boost your immune system; take lemon with warm water and get enough sleep.
  • Self-quarantine and learn new skills.

Communicate with family and friends via video-chatting, skype, facetime to at least feel close 

Emotional support; keep an alive spirit around you.

Avoid neglecting your self-care, be gentle and kind to yourself, treat yourself a drink if and when need be, maintain your skin, eat healthy, exercise, keep a healthy routine, relax, watch movies, play games.


Liyana Parker

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