Influence of technology in marriage

Influence of technology in marriage

With the increasing technology, almost every part of our lives is affected by it with some good and bad things. Similarly, technology has also affected marriages in a lot of ways. While the rates of divorce are increasing all over the world, we hear a great amount of negative impacts of new innovations.
Technologies, for example, email, texting as well as social networking were altogether made to make correspondence less demanding and more advantageous. Families, friends and relatives can now talk to each other more effortlessly regardless of great distances. Some online dating websites effectively coordinate a huge number of prospective life partners every year, and guardians can all the more effortlessly stay in contact with their youngsters, the whole day.
As society adjusts to these new roads of contact, there are likewise ways in which new innovation debilitates to strip away some important parts of how individuals relate and associate on a complete personal level. Below are some points which clearly show the influence of technology in almost every marriage life..
• As per a survey made in 2015 among more than 400 adults over the United States, about 50% of all respondents were noted being occupied by their smart phones while spending quality time with their partners, due to which, they are unable to spend time with their partners and as a result, they fail to understand each other and end up getting divorced.

• Increased use of online networking has additionally been appeared to influence psychological wellness in a great negative way. According to a study, it results in the increasing rates of depression in grown-ups along with some other health issues. Due to such health problems, adults fail to spend quality time with their families and spouse which may result in their separation.

• Late night uses of the internet on laptops or smartphones also affect the sexual life of married couples. Rather than spending time with each other, they keep on chatting with friends, watching movies or working on some projects till late night which results in frustration in the relationships.

• Innovation can help you start connections and interface with individuals that you might not have met before. This is an impressive part of innovation. But, on the other side, innovation can advance shallow connections. While you may have 500 friends on the Facebook, what number of them would you be able to genuinely reach in case of emergency? You cannot have genuine friends on the internet than you can have in personal. While a person is busy in making those Facebook friends, their genuine relationships are getting badly affected by it.


3 responses to “Influence of technology in marriage”

Liyana Parker

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